Language teaching
Written and oral French is the language of all teachings and the language of communication in the school. The French school is not only a school where you learn French but also where you learn in French. Courses of French – education language - are offered for newly arrived pupils from cycle 3 (Fourth-Fifth-Sixth classes / CM1-CM2-6ème) onwards. Armenian Armenian is being taught in all grades for two hours a week. English It is taught in all classes for 1 hour and a half per week. In the middle and high school, teaching hours vary from 3 to 4 hours a week depending on the grade. Russian After-school lessons are proposed to willing students. Payment for these courses outside school time is not included in the tuition fees. Other languages They are offered as a second foreign language starting the seventh grade – 5ème and as a third foreign language in high school. German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese… |