Nursery school (maternelle)
Appropriating language – Discovering writing Speaking skills are the cornerstone of nursery school learning. Children learn to exchange and express themselves. Particular attention is paid to understanding increasingly complex stories. The manipulation of language enables children to:
Becoming a student The objective is to teach the child to :
Acting and expressing yourself with your body The child discovers the possibilities of his/her body through free or guided physical activities, through activities including rules, activities of artistic expression. Thus, the child acquires an oriented image of his or her own body. The child becomes able to accomplish essential motor actions : moving, balancing and manipulating objects, throwing or receiving them. Discovering the world At the nursery school, the child discovers the world around him/her. He/she learns to rely on and to use spatio-temporal landmarks. He/she observes, asks questions and learns to adopt a point of view which is different from his/her own. His/her confrontation with logical thinking gives him/her a taste for reasoning. The pupil becomes able to classify, order and describe, thanks to language and various forms of representation (drawings, diagrams). He/she begins to understand what distinguishes the living from the non-living (matter, objects). Perceiving, feeling, imaging, creating. The nursery school offers a first artistic awareness. Drawing and plastic compositions (manufacturing different objects) on the one hand, voice and listening on the other hand, increase the child’s sensory possibilities. |
The grades :
TPS : 2 years old PS : 3 years old MS : 4 years old GS : 5 years old Standard day for children : 8:20-8:50 am : Breakfast for registered children 9am-3:10 pm : French nursery school program 15:15-17 pm : Day care, extracurricular activities with prior registration Multiculturalism and multilingualism : Your child will benefit from the school's multicultural environment (more than 12 nationalities are represented) and the multilingual context. The teaching is conducted in French by competent professionals. |